Upcoming events.

Info Session for Farmers and Ranchers on Balance Sheets ~ Sesión informativa para agricultores y ganaderos sobre hojas de balances
Please join Rural Coalition on November 19th, 2024 at 7:00pm ET for a call on the topic of balance sheets, including:
How to update your balance sheet (including an emphasis on loss reports)
How to determine figures for income and expenses from the prior year
Please email any questions to rel@ruralco.org and share this invitation with the socially-disadvantaged farmers and ranchers in your community.
Únase a Rural Coalition el 19 de noviembre de 2024 a las 7:00 p. m., hora del Este, para una llamada sobre el tema de hojas de balances:
Cómo actualizar su balance general (incluido un énfasis en los informes de pérdidas)
Cómo determinar las cifras de ingresos y gastos del año anterior
Envíe cualquier pregunta por correo electrónico a rel@ruralco.org y comparta esta invitación con los agricultores y ganaderos socialmente desfavorecidos de su comunidad.

Rural Coalition Call for Farmers & Ranchers: DFAP, Record-Keeping, & Policy Updates
Farmers and Ranchers: Please join Rural Coalition on Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 at 7:00 pm for:
a check-in on the Discrimination Financial Assistance Program,
a check-in on the importance of record-keeping,
a Farm Bill update from our Policy team.
Please email any questions to rel@ruralco.org and share this invitation with the socially-disadvantaged farmers and ranchers in your community.
Agricultores y ganaderos: Únase a Rural Coalition el martes 24 de septiembre de 2024 a las 7:00 p. m. para:
una sesión informativa sobre el programa de asistencia financiera contra la discriminación,
una sesión informativa sobre la importancia de llevar registros,
una actualización de la Ley Agrícola de nuestro equipo de Políticas.
Envíe cualquier pregunta por correo electrónico a rel@ruralco.org y comparta esta invitación con los agricultores y ganaderos socialmente desfavorecidos de su comunidad.

Is Whole Farm Revenue Protection or Micro Farm Program right for your farm?
Join the Risk Management Agency (RMA) for a practical webinar hosted on Farmer Campus. RMA will share what they do as well as about the Micro Farm and Whole-Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) programs. These two insurance options offer comprehensive risk management, specially designed for specialty crops, and organic, urban, and direct market producers. We’ll cover the latest improvements and how these programs can help protect your farm’s revenue. This is an educational session—no sales pitches—so you can get the facts and decide if these tools fit your operation’s needs. Insurance can be confusing, but we’re here to break it down for you!

Crop Insurance 101: An Information Session for Farmers & Ranchers about Risk Management Agency (RMA) and Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)
During this information session, we will be joined by Dean Strasser of the National Crop Insurance Services (NCIS), who will provide an overview of:
The different types of crop insurance policies available,
The documents and records needed to get a crop policy
Understanding coverage limits and deductibles associated with each option

The Future of Farm Policy:A Conversation with Farmers & Ranchers about Rural Coalition’s Farm Bill Policy work
During this interactive session, the Rural Coalition Policy Team will provide an overview of Rural Coalition's Farm Bill Policy platform, and will open up an opportunity for you, the Farmers and Ranchers we serve, to share your experiences and perspectives as they relate to these policies.

Crop Insurance 101: An Information Session for Farmers & Ranchers about Risk Management Agency (RMA) and Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)
Crop Insurance 101: An Information Session for Farmers & Ranchers about Risk Management Agency (RMA) and Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP)
(with simultaneous interpretation in Spanish)
During this information session, the Rural Coalition Technical Assistance team will provide an overview of:
understanding the crop insurance landscape, and the important of crop insurance for agricultural producers
how to obtaining crop insurance,
how to advocate for fair assessment,
USDA's Risk Management Agency (RMA),
USDA-FSA's Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program.
Seguro de cosechas 101: Una sesión informativa para agricultores y ganaderos sobre la Agencia de Gestión de Riesgos (RMA) y el Programa de Asistencia para Desastres de Cultivos No Asegurados (NAP)
(con interpretación simultánea en español):
Durante esta sesión informativa, el equipo de Asistencia Técnica de la Coalición Rural brindará una descripción general de:
Comprender el panorama de los seguros de cosechas y la importancia de los seguros de cosechas para los productores agrícolas.
cómo obtener un seguro de cosechas,
cómo abogar por una evaluación justa,
Agencia de Gestión de Riesgos (RMA) del USDA,
Programa de asistencia para desastres en cultivos no asegurados del USDA-FSA.

Tax & Schedule F Workshop for Farmers
During this workshop, Certified Public Accountant John Brown and Attorney Stephen Carpenter from Farmers Legal Action Group (FLAG) will provide essential and comprehensive information on how to properly file taxes as an agricultural producer, including:
Instructions for filling out Schedule F in English and Spanish
Instructions for filling out Schedule C in English and Spanish
4562 Depreciation and Amortization form in English
Instructions for filling out 4562 Depreciation and Amortization form in English
Income Averaging
Paying taxes on Discrimination Financial Assistance (DFAP) awards from the IRA 22007 Program

Congressional Briefing on Increasing Land Access, Security and Opportunities Act
Land access, retention, and transition are critical to the success of agriculture. Yet, access to land is the number one challenge facing young farmers in the United States.
The Increasing Land Access, Security, and Opportunities Act (H.R.3955, S.2340) was introduced in the Senate by Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) and in the House with bipartisan support by Representatives Nikki Budzinski (D-IL-13), Zach Nunn (R-IA-03), Joe Courtney (D-CT-02) and Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-07) to address this issue.
The bill offers flexible, powerful support for community-led solutions to the land access, retention, and transition crisis. This funding would provide critical resources to a wide variety of eligible applicants, helping make innovative solutions a reality.
Join Young Farmers staff and the original cosponsors for a virtual congressional briefing on February 8th to stay up-to-date with LASO’s progress as House and Senate Agriculture Committees continue to write their versions of the farm bill.
During the briefing, you will receive an overview of the bill as it currently stands and hear directly from some of the young farmers and organizations who stand to benefit from this legislation on why they need innovative, equitable land access solutions.
The virtual briefing will take place from 3-4pm ET followed by an in-person happy hour from 4:30-6pm ET (location will be shared soon). Virtual participants are welcome to join an informal discussion session following the briefing from 4-4:30pm in a separate zoom link which will be shared at the end of the webinar.
For more information about The Increasing Land Access, Security, and Opportunities Act visit: www.youngfarmers.org/land/support-land-access.
15th Annual Rural Coalition Winter Forum
Registration link to come in Fall 2023.
Sponsorships Welcome!
Your sponsorship support for our Forum and our Anniversary dinner help us keep our costs lower, and to support full participation from our member communities. You can sponsor our Forum using this form. Please contact elliot@ruralco.org for questions.

2pm ET IRA 22007 Info Session for Technical Assistance teams
During this info session, we will continue our review of the application form, and the materials producers will need to prepare.
All Rural Coalition partners are welcome to join this session on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Section 22007 claims process.
Stephen Carpenter from Farmers’ Legal Action Group (FLAG) will join us on this call, which is also cosponsored by RC and North Carolina Association of Black Lawyers Land Loss Prevention Project.

IRA Sección 22007 Sesión informativa para agricultor@s, ganaderos y terratenientes forestales
Durante esta sesión informativa, que se facilitará en Español, brindaremos una revisión general del programa de discriminación financiera - Sección 22007
Reenvíe esta información y promueva esta llamada con l@s agricultores (a), ganaderos y propietarios de tierras forestales en su comunidad que han sufrido discriminación en los procesos de préstamo del USDA.

IRA 22007 Info Session for Farmers, Ranchers, and Forest Landowners
Please join us for this info session for Farmers, Ranchers, and Forest Landowners on Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Section 22007.
During the call, we will provide information and answer questions on the IRA 22007 so that you can be as resourced as possible to complete a strong claim.

2pm ET IRA 22007 Info Session for Technical Assistance teams
During this info session, we will continue our review of the application form, and the materials producers will need to prepare.
All Rural Coalition partners are welcome to join this session on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Section 22007 claims process.
Stephen Carpenter from Farmers’ Legal Action Group (FLAG) will join us on this call, which is also cosponsored by RC and North Carolina Association of Black Lawyers Land Loss Prevention Project.

IRA 22007 Info Session for Farmers, Ranchers, and Forest Landowners
Please join us for this info session for Farmers, Ranchers, and Forest Landowners on Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Section 22007.
During the call, we will provide information and answer questions on the IRA 22007 so that you can be as resourced as possible to complete a strong claim.

2pm ET IRA 22007 Info Session for Technical Assistance teams
During this info session, we will continue our review of the application form, and the materials producers will need to prepare.
All Rural Coalition partners are welcome to join this session on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Section 22007 claims process.
Stephen Carpenter from Farmers’ Legal Action Group (FLAG) will join us on this call, which is also cosponsored by RC and North Carolina Association of Black Lawyers Land Loss Prevention Project.